Ponedjeljak, 23. rujna/Monday, September 23

Crkva sv. Florijana, 20.00 sati/St.Florian's Church, 8.00 p.m.


Camerata Garestin

Ivana Lazar, sopran/soprano

Stjepan Nodilo, uzdužna flauta, oboa/recorder, oboe

Krešimir Lazar, violončelo/cello

Krešimir Has, čembalo/harpsichord



Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Sonata za obou i basso continuo u g–molu/Sonata for oboe and basso continuo in G minor Wq. 135, H. 549





Geistliche Oden und Lieder

pjesme za sopran i basso continuo, odabir iz zbirke/songs for soprano and basso continuo, selection from the collection, Wq. 194, H. 686

Gottes Güte



Am neuen Jahre


Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach

Sonata za violončelo i basso continuo u G–duru/Sonata for cello and basso continuo in G major BR B2, Wf X:1




Georg Philipp Telemann

Lauter Wonne, lauter Freude, kantata za sopran, uzdužnu flautu i basso continuo/cantata for soprano, recorder and basso continuo, TWV 1:1040

Aria: Lauter Wonne, lauter Freude

Recitativ: Dort labet sich ein Kind der Eitelkeit

Aria: Ein stetes Zagen, ein ewig’s Nagen


Fantazija u g–molu za čembalo/Fantasy in G minor, TWV 33:8





Seele, lerne dich erkennen, kantata za sopran, uzdužnu flautu i basso continuo/cantata for soprano, recorder and basso continuo, TWV 1:1258

Aria: Seele lerne dich erkennen

Recitativ: Ein Vogelchen , dem noch die Glieder zu zart und weich

Aria: So will ich dich mit Freuden kussen





Ansambl Camerata Garestin okuplja vodeće hrvatske interprete glazbe 17. i 18. stoljeća. Osnovan je 2008. godine na poticaj varaždinskog violončelista Krešimira Lazara, uz suosnivače sopranisticu Ivanu Lazar, flautista Danija Bošnjaka te čembalista i orguljaša Krešimira Hasa,  glazbenike čija bogata iskustva već dulje vrijeme doprinose kulturnom i umjetničkom životu Republike Hrvatske. Temeljna programska smjernica ansambla su tematski osmišljeni koncertni projekti koji donose vrhunska djela europskih i hrvatskih majstora od visoke renesanse do ranog klasičnog stila. Uz osobitu pažnju ansambl njeguje hrvatsku glazbenu baštinu s težištem na djelima Ivana Lukačića, Vinka Jelića, Gabriela Pulitija, Tomasa Cecchinija te Ivana Šibenčanina. Takav doprinos  ansambla prepoznat je i od Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske, koje ga u velikoj mjeri podupire kao i u nizu pohvalnih recenzija.  Osim u domovini, ansambl je ostvario niz nastupa u inozemstvu - Švedskoj, Slovačkoj, Njemačkoj, Austriji te Bosni i Hercegovini – pri čemu se posebno ističu: nastup na prestižnom međunarodnom festivalu barokne glazbe SEVIQC Brežice, zatim na Festivalu hrvatske glazbe u Beču (kada je koncert održan u glasovitoj Hofburgkapelle) te u Voorshotenu i Hagu gdje je Camerata Garestin bila prvi hrvatski ansambl za ranu glazbu profesionalno angažiran u Kraljevini Nizozemskoj. U sklopu 47. Varaždinskih baroknih večeri ansamblu je dodijeljena Nagrada Jurica Murai, a 2018. godine je snimio i album Vulnerasti cor meum s djelima hrvatskih ranobaroknih majstora.


The ensemble Camerata Garestin brings together leading Croatian interpreters of 17th and 18th-century music. It was founded in 2008 at the initiative of cellist Krešimir Lazar from Varaždin, with co-founders soprano Ivana Lazar, flutist Dani Bošnjak, and harpsichordist and organist Krešimir Has, musicians whose rich experiences have long contributed to the cultural and artistic life of the Republic of Croatia. The fundamental program guideline of the ensemble is thematically designed concert projects that present outstanding works of European and Croatian masters from the high Renaissance to the early classical style. With special attention, the ensemble nurtures Croatian musical heritage, focusing on the works of Ivan Lukačić, Vinko Jelić, Gabriel Puliti, Tomas Cecchini, and Ivan Šibenčanin. This contribution by the ensemble has been recognized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, which supports it significantly, as well as through numerous laudatory reviews. In addition to performances in Croatia, the ensemble has achieved a series of international appearances in Sweden, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with notable highlights including performances at the prestigious international SEVIQC Brežice baroque music festival, the Croatian Music Festival in Vienna (with a concert held in the famous Hofburg Chapel), and in Voorschoten and The Hague, where Camerata Garestin was the first Croatian early music ensemble to be professionally engaged in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. As part of the 47th Varaždin Baroque Evenings, the ensemble was awarded the Jurica Murai Award, and in 2018, they recorded the album Vulnerasti cor meum featuring works by Croatian early baroque masters.