Sunday, September 25
Varaždin Old Castle, 11 a.m.
Concert accompanied by baroque coffee Ensemble CAMERATA GARESTIN Ivana Lazar, sopran
Martina Klarić, sopran Helena Lucić Šego, mezzosopran
Dani Bošnjak, flute
Silvio Richter, violina
Igor Paro, teorba & baroque guitar
Krešimir Lazar, cello
Krešimir Has, cembalo
Sonata sopra la Monica
Gabriello Puliti (oko 1580.-1642./43.)
Descendi in ortum
O bone Jesu
Hymnum cantate
Tomaso Cecchini (oko 1580.-1644.)
Sonata ottava, a due soprani
Mori mi dite
O sospetto fallace
Baci parto de l’alma
(iz zbirke Amorosi concetti)
Andrea Falconieri (1586.-1656.)
Batalla de Barabaso yerno Satanas
Ivan Lukačić (1575.-1648.)
Sicut cedrus
Domine quinqe talenta
Sancti mei
Marco Ucellini (1603. ili 1610.-1680.)
Sinfonia a tre
Claudio Monteverdi (1567.-1643.)
Romanesca a 2
Ohime dov’e il mio ben
Dunque ha potuto sol
Dunque ha potuto in me
Ahi, scioco mondo
Claudio Monteverdi Chiome d’oro

Varaždin Old Castle, 11 a.m.
Concert accompanied by baroque coffee Ensemble CAMERATA GARESTIN Ivana Lazar, sopran
Martina Klarić, sopran Helena Lucić Šego, mezzosopran

Biago Marini (1594.-1663.)Sonata sopra la Monica
Gabriello Puliti (oko 1580.-1642./43.)
Descendi in ortum
O bone Jesu
Hymnum cantate
Tomaso Cecchini (oko 1580.-1644.)
Sonata ottava, a due soprani
Mori mi dite
O sospetto fallace
Baci parto de l’alma
(iz zbirke Amorosi concetti)
Andrea Falconieri (1586.-1656.)
Batalla de Barabaso yerno Satanas
Ivan Lukačić (1575.-1648.)
Sicut cedrus
Domine quinqe talenta
Sancti mei
Marco Ucellini (1603. ili 1610.-1680.)
Sinfonia a tre
Claudio Monteverdi (1567.-1643.)
Romanesca a 2
Ohime dov’e il mio ben
Dunque ha potuto sol
Dunque ha potuto in me
Ahi, scioco mondo
Claudio Monteverdi Chiome d’oro
CAMERATA GARESTIN Ensemble Camerata Garestin gathers Croatian leading vocal and instrumental interprets of music from the 17th and 18th centuries. Violoncellist from Varaždin, Krešimir Lazar, founded it in 2008, together with soprano Ivana Lazar, flautist Dani Bošnjak and harpsichordist and organist Krešimir Has. It consists of musicians whose vast experience contribute to the cultural and artistic life of the Republic of Croatia for a long time. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia recognized this contribution multiple times and supports the work of the ensemble continuously. Camerata Garestin is outlined with favorable reviews, for example on Croatian national festival “Varaždin Baroque Evenings”. The ensemble performed at the prestigious international festival of Baroque music SEVIQC Brežice, at The Festival of Croatian Music in Vienna – performing in renowned Hofburgkapelle. Camerata Garestin is probably the first Croatian ensemble for historic music professionally engaged in the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Voorshoten, den Haag, 2014.); it also appeared in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Germany and Austria. The ensemble members play music on authentic Baroque instruments and identical replicas. Program direction in which they are heading consists of thematic concert projects, showing extraordinary works of European and Croatian masters made in the period of Renaissance, gallant style, Rococo and in the early Classical period.