Wednesday, September 25
Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin, Great Concert Hall, 8.00 p.m.


Students of music schools that are members of the YMTE association
Laura Vadjon, umjetničko vodstvo/artistic leadership
Fernando Miguel Jalôto, čembalo solo, umjetničko vodstvo/harpsichord solo and artistic leadership

Concert of Young European Talents

Archangelo Corelli
Concerto grosso in D major, op.6 no. 4
(Giga) Allegro

Jan Křtitel Vaňhal
Sinfonia in C
Allegro ma non troppo

Georg Friedrich Händel
Sinfonia: Arrival of the Queen of Sheeba iz oratorija Solomon/from the oratorio Solomon, HWV 67

 Georg Friedrich Händel
Concerto grosso u G-duru/in G major, op.6 no. 1, HWV 319
A tempo giusto

Antonio Vivaldi
Laudate Dominum omnes gentes, RV 606

The Young European Talent Orchestra consists of 30 students from music schools that are members of the YMTE association-Barratt Due, Norway, East Helsinki Music Institute, Finland, Sächsisches Landesgymnasium für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, Germany, Musikgymnasium Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Berlin, Germany, IEA Oriol Martorell Barcelona, Spain, Escola Profissional de Artes da Covilhã, Portugal, Conservatory of Music and Ballet Maribor, Slovenia, Heino Eller Music College, Estonia, Johann-Joseph-Fux-Conservatory Graz, Austria, and the Music School in Varaždin. The orchestra was established on the initiative of the members of the YMTE Young Music Talents association, the Music School in Varaždin, and the organizers of the Festival. This project emphasizes the excellence of young musicians, their artistic development, and the promotion of new generations of musicians, particularly in the field of early music interpretation. Laura Vadjon is the artistic director of this project, and under her leadership, the students will perform at this year's 54th Varaždin Baroque Evenings.

Violinist Laura Vadjon is the first Croatian artist specializing in the Baroque violin and is one of the pioneers of new stylistic movements, making her a leading figure in the field of early music performance in Croatia. She is the director and concertmaster of the Croatian Baroque Ensemble, with whom she has been performing in Croatia and abroad since 1999, bringing to the stage numerous Croatian premieres of works by forgotten composers as well as masterpieces from the Baroque and Classical periods. She regularly collaborates with the most distinguished musicians on the global Baroque music scene and performs with various ensembles both in Croatia and internationally (Zagreb Soloists, L’arte del mondo, London Handel Players, Florilegium, Le Concert Spirituel, Helsinki Baroque, Orquestra Barroca Casa da Música). She is a member of the London Handel Orchestra, with which she regularly performs in the United Kingdom, especially at the London Handel Festival. In her interpretation of solo and chamber music, she has achieved many successful concert and recording projects, particularly distinguishing herself as an interpreter of early Italian Baroque music as well as the works of Handel and Mozart. She plays on an authentic historical instrument crafted by Italian maker Giovanni Battista Guadagnini in 1751. She is the recipient of the Rector’s and Dean’s Awards, the Award of the Society of University Teachers and Other Scientists, and the Milka Trnina and Porin Awards, among numerous other Croatian professional accolades with the Croatian Baroque Ensemble: Orlando (Dubrovnik Summer Festival, 2014), Ivan Lukačić (Varaždin Baroque Evenings, 2016), and the City of Zagreb Award (2020). She has performed in about twenty European countries, as well as in Russia, Japan, and South America. Since 1995, she has been a professor at the Zagreb Academy of Music, where she teaches chamber music from the 17th and 18th centuries. She is also the director of the Korkyra Baroque Festival.

Fernando Miguel Jalôto directs his own ensemble, is a guest harpsichordist in prestigious European early music ensembles, and also performs as a soloist and gives recitals. He is currently the most renowned Portuguese specialist in historical keyboard instruments. He is the principal harpsichordist of the Orquestra Barroca Casa da Música (Porto) and a guest harpsichordist for the Gulbenkian Symphony Orchestra and Choir in Lisbon. He regularly performs across Europe, Israel, China, and Japan, and often collaborates with esteemed ensembles such as La Galanía, Oltremontano, Vox Luminis, Capilla Flamenca, and Bonne Corde, as well as with conductors and soloists such as Enrico Onofri, Ton Koopman, Paul McCreesh, Christina Pluhar, Christophe Rousset, Fabio Biondi, Antonio Florio, Amandine Beyer, Harry Christophers, Andrew Parrott, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Chiara Banchini, Alfredo Bernardini, Christophe Coin, Dirk Snellings, Wim Becu, Paul Hillier, and Andreas Staier. As a soloist and continuo musician, he has recorded for record labels including Harmonia Mundi, Glossa Music, Anima & Corpo, Parati, Brilliant Classics, Dynamic, Outhere, and Veterum Musica. He studied harpsichord at the Early Music and Historical Performance Practice Department of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, where he completed his bachelor's and master's degrees under Jacques Ogg. He attended masterclasses with Gustav Leonhardt, Olivier Baumont, and Ilton Wjuniski. He also studied the clavichord and Baroque organ. He holds a master's degree in music from the University of Aveiro and is currently pursuing a PhD in historical musicology at Universidade Nova in Lisbon.